Harper Collins Publishers

Creative Direction and Design for Miguel Nuñez' book, Volveos a Mí

Book Design
Harper Collins Publishers


In Volveos a Mí (Return to Me), Dr. Miguel Núñez explores how, throughout redemptive history, God's people have repeatedly rebelled against the very God who delivered them. Despite their unfaithfulness, God has remained steadfast, continually striving to bring His people back into His presence.

Harper Collins approached Foreknow to design the cover for this significant theological work. Having worked with Miguel Núñez before through Harper Collins, this project has been one of our favorites because of its strong narrative element, allowing us to bring the story to life in a visually compelling way.

The aim was to depict a prophet standing on a mountain, urgently warning a crowd heading toward destruction to return to God. The people, unaware of the looming danger, continue toward fire and ruin, while the prophet, battling the wind, reaches out with an urgent, forceful call for them to turn back before it's too late.

The initial sketches of the idea.

The initial sketches of the idea.

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Harper Collins Publishers

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